Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Loose change collection bottle

The loose change bottle at Gaire's shop and Post Office in Duagh is currently collecting for the Duagh Graveyard Committee. 
If you would like to dispose of any small coins that are cluttering up your pockets or are kept in a jar someplace, this is your opportunity.
All proceeds will be put towards improving the graveyard.

Many thanks for your support in the past.

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Last cutting of 2013.

Last Thursday evening was the final cutting night of 2013 and we had plenty of helpers on the night. We have been very fortunate with the help that we have received throughout the year. The weather was very much in our favour this year as there was no night that we had to cancel the cutting.

Last week was  a busy week for us as there was a Mass on Tuesday night for the intentions of all those who assist in the maintenance of the graveyard. This was followed by tea in the Presbytery. We would like to thank  Fr. Moore for saying the Mass as well as allowing us to use the Presbytery. Thanks also to those who assisted in the catering for the night.

Even though there will be no cutting in the coming months, we have a few small projects to undertake to ensure that the graveyard continues to look well.

Finally, we would like, once again, to thank all those who have contributed to our work in any way throughout the year. Without all your help, the Graveyard would revert to its previous state.