Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Photos of some of the work that went into the night.

Photos from Annual Mass

Photos are courtesy of Doreen Buckley. Thanks to Doreen for helping us with thee photographs on the night. More photographs are available on the Duagh GAA Facebook page.

Annual Mass 2015

We were extremely fortunate on Thursday night as the weather was just perfect for the Mass. There was a large crowd present and everything went off well. We would like to thank all those who assisted us in any way to organise and marshal the event. We would especially like to thank all the priests and those who performed the readings and the singing . Thanks also to Eoin Stack for providing a shuttle bus service and thanks to those who availed of this bus or who walked down to the graveyard. This freed up valuable space at the cemetery which prevented congestion and allowed all those who had no option but to drive down an opportunity to park close to the cemetery.  

Friday, 10 April 2015

Cutting of April 9 2015

The disappointment of having to cancel our first proposed cutting night in Holy Week due to the poor weather was very much offset last night by the fabulous weather that we have been having all week. There was a heavy crop of grass but as always, we had plenty of willing workers and the weather made it a pleasure to be out in. Most of the regulars were there and we also had a few new people who took to their task very enthusiastically. Thanks to all for their work on the night and for all the work that they have done in the past.

The next cutting will take place on Thursday night April 23rd from 5.30 onwards and any assistance would be appreciated.

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Annual Collection 2015

Annual Church gate collection raised €1310.50. Thanks to all who contributed. This money will be used to further our work in the Graveyard. We are currently looking at adding new footpaths to improve the accessibility of the cemetery. We hope to launch our cutting on Thursday April 9th. Further cuttings will be advertised in the local media and all help is appreciated. If you would like to assist us, please call to the cemetery on the Thursday night or speak to a committee member.

Annual Graveyard Mass will be held at 8pm on Thursday night 23rd July.

Monday, 23 March 2015

2015 Annual General Meeting and dates of upcoming events.

Duagh Graveyard Committee recently held its A.G.M. The following officers were elected ; Chairman Tony Maher, Vice-Chairman John Scannell, Secretary Nora Gaire, Assistant Secretary Joe Lynch, Treasurer Miriam Cronin-Gaire. Committee members ; Mike Naughton, Gerard O' Connor, Gerard Galvin, P.J. Gaire and Matt Mangan.
Annual Church gate collection will be held on Saturday/Sunday the 4th and 5th of April 2015.
Annual Graveyard Mass will be held at 8pm on Thursday night 23rd July.
The first clean up of the year will take place on Monday Night 30th March from 6pm onwards(Weather permitting). The first clean up is generally a big undertaking and we would appreciate as much help as possible. As the date coincides with Holy Week, it is the ideal time to visit the graveyard and lend a hand.