Friday, 11 April 2014

The First Cut of 2014

The first cut of 2014 passed off very successfully. Looking at the weather in the morning, it seemed unlikely that we would be able to cut the grass and things had not improved by the afternoon. However, some of our more determined volunteers went ahead with the cutting and thankfully, the weather cleared up and we had a very nice night for the cutting. There was a chill in the air but that was encouragement enough to keep moving.

There was a big crop of grass and we needed all the volunteers that we had to cut it. If it had grown any further, it would have become much more difficult to cut in the coming weeks.

A lot of work was achieved last night. Most of the Christmas Wreaths were removed from the graves. this took a considerable effort as there was a large quantity of them there.

We had a great response from our volunteers who, as always, answer the text messages informing them of the cutting positively. Thanks to them for their work last night.

We also organised the rota for our Church Gate Collection at the weekend. The collection is coming at a very useful time for us as we will shortly have to replace one of our large lawn mowers. It has given us stellar service over the last 10-12 years but it is on its last legs at the moment.

Here are some photographs of the night's work. Unfortunately, we were not able to capture all the participants for photographs.

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